CORTESI GALLERY presents SPACES OF LIGHT Piero Dorazio and the International ZERO Movement – 14 September a special event – Via Morigi 8, Milano, from 17:00 to 20:30



SPACES OF LIGHT Piero Dorazio and the International ZERO Movement

curated by Francesca Pola

in collaboration with Archivio Piero Dorazio

1 September – 30 November 2021

Cortesi Gallery, Milano

Cortesi Gallery is delighted to announce its new exhibition in Milano. The project focuses on the connections between Italian Post-war abstract artist Piero Dorazio (Rome, 1927 – Perugia, 2005) and the international ZERO Movement.

An undisputed pioneer in post-war abstraction already from the 1940s, Dorazio established himself in the 1950s as a key figure in the Italian and European context, giving birth to a highly personal and distinctive poetic vision and visual language, focused on a redefinition of painting through a new significance of light, colour, space, and structure.

Belonging to his same generation and particularly active in Germany, The Netherlands, and Belgium, ZERO artists intended to overcome the gestural and subjective identity of art Informel, to redefine a more objective and direct relationship of art with the world.

Installation view, Spaces of Light. Piero Dorazio and the International ZERO Movement curated by Francesca Pola and in collaboration with Archivio Piero Dorazio. Cortesi Gallery Milano 2021, photo by Lucrezia Roda

On 14 September a special event will be held in the presence of the curator Francesca Pola.

The event will take place in Via Morigi 8, Milano, from 17:00 to 20:30, and a preview of the bilingual book published by Skira will be presented.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00 – 18:00.

On the occasion of miart, the gallery will have special opening hours:

16 – 18 September from 10:00 to 19:00

19 September from 10:00 to 18:00

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Picture of Paola Pizzighini

Paola Pizzighini

Sono Avvocato Giuslavorista con 10 anni di esperienza nei più affermati studi legali Milanesi a cui è seguita una lunga esperienza in Confindustria in cui ho potuto sviluppare le mie capacità relazionali ed empatiche nelle relazioni industriali e istituzionali.

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