My Art Week: Highlights and News from the Art World

My Art Week: Highlights and News from the Art World

Taipei Biennial 2020: You and I Don’t Live on the Same Planet Exhibiting a line up of works by 57 participants/groups from 27 countries and territories worldwide, the biennial aims to question our current ongoing geopolitical tensions and worsening ecological crisis by examining our differences and influences on a planetary perspective. November 21, 2020–March 14, 2021 Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan

A digital Christmas by Fabrizio Plessi in Venice’s Saint Mark Square Fabrizio Plessi‘s creative intervention is a tribute to light and a message of rebirth. The installation will be made up of over 80 modules of 1m by 50cm, taking the shape of a tree of life that symbolically unites earth, water and sky and interprets the deepest meaning of Christmas. December 4, 2020 – January 6, 2021 St. Mark Square, Venice, Italy

Pérez Art Museum Miami announces details of Miami Art Week 2020 As part of the Miami Art Week, the Pérez Art Museum Miami this year features a hybrid programme made up of both digital and physical initiatives and exhibitions. The programme will be viewable remotely via Facebook Live and YouTube Live while on site visits will be accessible with new safety precautions. December 1–6, 2020 Miami Art Week

Lee Seung Taek’s Non-Art: The Inversive Act The Inversive Act is a large-scale retrospective that aims to shed new light on the 60-year career of Lee Seung Taek (b. 1932) who played a pioneering role in transforming Korean contemporary art. November 25, 2020–March 28, 2021 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul

Leandro Erlich: Soprattutto Galleria Continua presents a solo show dedicated to the prominent artist Leandro Erich, for the first time in its Rome spaces, inside the iconic St Regis Rome hotel. 05 Nov 2020 — 10 Jan 2021 Galleria Continua at St. Regis hotel, Rome

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Picture of Paola Pizzighini

Paola Pizzighini

Sono Avvocato Giuslavorista con 10 anni di esperienza nei più affermati studi legali Milanesi a cui è seguita una lunga esperienza in Confindustria in cui ho potuto sviluppare le mie capacità relazionali ed empatiche nelle relazioni industriali e istituzionali.

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