My Art Week: Highlights and News from the Art World – Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain – Various venues in Singapore – A former tobacco factory in Athens – Centre Pompidou, Paris

My Art Week: Highlights and News from the Art World

Guggenheim Bilbao announces their exhibition programme Despite closures due to the pandemic, the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao holds strong by announcing their upcoming exhibition programme, characterised by a variety of the shows, highlighting the leading role of women artists. Exhibitions season: January – October 2021 Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain

Singapore Art Week celebrates its ninth edition The show goes on for Singapore Art Week despite tourist restrictions, and this year focuses on introducing art to the community. The event offers artists, collectives, organisations and other art intermediaries a visible platform for showcasing a range of quality visual arts projects, discussions, and exhibitions to a local and international audience. January 21 – 30, 2021 Various venues in Singapore

A former tobacco factory in Athens will become a new cultural space The initiative was taken on by the Hellenic Parliament together with NEON, the no-profit organisation founded by Dimitris Daskalopoulos, who is also funding the space’s renovation. Together, the two bodies will also implement an entire Cultural Programme for 2021 dedicated to contemporary art.

The Centre Pompidou is to close for renovation from 2023 until 2026 Following the decision of the Ministerial Commission on Real Estate Projects, the Ministry of Culture has approved the plan to implement technical and safety aspects and the sustainable development of the building. Closing dates: end of 2023 until late 2026 Centre Pompidou, Paris

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Picture of Paola Pizzighini

Paola Pizzighini

Sono Avvocato Giuslavorista con 10 anni di esperienza nei più affermati studi legali Milanesi a cui è seguita una lunga esperienza in Confindustria in cui ho potuto sviluppare le mie capacità relazionali ed empatiche nelle relazioni industriali e istituzionali.

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